Ancient Languages
They may not be spoken in modern societies, but knowing ancient languages like Latin and Ancient Greek helps scholars interpret historical documents and artifacts. Learn the basics of a few of the major ancient languages and find resources on their alphabets, numbering systems, and dialects.
What Are the Letters of the Greek Alphabet?
Latin Superlative Adjectives
How to Say 'Thank You' in Latin
Greek Language in the Byzantine Empire
Mathematics Terminology
The 6 Cases of Latin Nouns
When to Use the Latin Abbreviations i.e. and e.g.
Moods of Latin Verbs: Indicative, Imperative and Subjunctive
Latin Translation Resources and Tools
Beginners' Guide to Latin Verb Tenses
Greek and Latin Roots
The Latin Names for Days of the Week
Latin Personal Pronouns: Declension Table
Latin Verbs and Infinitives
Latin Ordinal Numbers
Is Latin Easy to Learn?
Latin Alphabet Changes: How the Roman Alphabet Got Its G
The Meaning of Leaf Names in Latin or Greek
What Was the First Alphabet?
Words From Psychology That Are Based on Greek or Latin Roots
Learn the Parts of the Roman Name
What Is the Latin Word Order?
Understanding and Using Latin Adverbs
Gloria in Excelsis Deo Lyrics
How to Use and Recognize Partitive Genitive Case in Latin
The Benefits of Learning Latin
Common Latin Abbreviations Used in English
Dactylic Hexameter
Latin Words in English
Relative Clauses in Latin
What Is the Classical Origin of the Aurora Borealis?
How to Conjugate the Irregular Latin Verb Sum ("To Be")
Deus lo volt or deus vult? Meaning and Correct Spelling
Latin Quotations
How to Decline Latin Demonstrative Pronouns: Hic, Ille, Iste, Is
Latin Comparative Adjectives
Latin-Based Words for Clothing with English Translation
Vulgar Latin
A Guide to Latin Personal Pronouns
Overview of the Genitive Singular in Latin Declensions
Irregular Latin Verb - Nolo
The Vulgate
Latin Pronunciation
The Plural of Virus
How the Greek Alphabet Developed
What Are the Principal Parts of Latin Verbs?
Latin and English Differences in Word Order
A Basic Lesson in Latin Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Latin Adjectives 1st and 2nd Declension
The Origin of Roman Satire
Inscriptions - Articles on Inscriptions, Epigraphy, and Papyrology
The 1st Conjugation Verbs in Latin
Ancient Greek and Roman Names
What Do the Latin Tenses Mean?
Maya Codex
Nominative Case in Latin
How to Say You're Dead - Latin Death Vocabulary
Table of Common Latin Pronouns
Memorize a Chunk of Vergil (or Virgil)
What Did "Kleos" Mean for the Ancient Greeks?
Learn the Greek Alphabet With These Helpful Tips