Rome Era-by-Era Timeline >
Legendary Rome | Early Republic | Late Republic | Principate | Dominate
Main Wars of the Roman Republic
3rd Century - 200s B.C.
- 298-290 - The Third Samnite War.
- 295 - Sentinum.
- 283 - Lake Vadimonis.
- 281-272 - Pyrrhus.
- 280 - Battle of Heraclea led by King Pyrrhus of Epirus
- 279 - Battle of Asculum (Pyrrhic Victory).
- 274 - Battle of Beneventum.
- 272 - Rome mistress of Italy; morality at its height.
- 264 - Period of foreign conquest begins.
- 264-241 - First Punic War.
- 263 - Hiero of Syracuse makes peace with Rome.
- 262 - Capture of Agrigentum.
- 260 - Naval victory at Mylae.
- 257 - Tyndaris.
- 256 - Ecnomus - Regulus at Clupea.
- 255 - Defeat of Regulus.
- 249 - Drepana.
- 241 - Aegatēs Insulae naval battle with C. Lutatius Catulus. Hamilcar Barca.
- 240 - Beginning of Roman drama, with Livius Andronicus.
- 237 - Sardinia and Corsica acquired, and provincial system established.
- 229-228 - First Illyrian War.
- 227 - Rome makes Sardinia and Sicily its first provinces.
- 225-222 - First Gallic War.
- 222 - Gallia Cisalpina acquired by the battle of Telamon.
- 220 - Hannibal in Spain.
- 219 - Second Illyrian War. Saguntum.
- 218-202 - Second Punic War. Timeline of the 2nd Punic War.
- 218 - Ticinus - Trebia.
- 217 - Trasimenus - Casilinum.
- 216 - Cannae.
- 212 - Capture of Syracuse. Archimedes.
- 207 - Baecula - Metaurus.
- 202 - Zama.
- 214-205 - First Macedonian War.
- 204 - Cult of Magna Mater introduced.
Roman Literature Timeline
2nd Century - 100s B.C.
- 200-197 - Second Macedonian War.
- 198 - Battle of Cynoscephalae.
- 190 - Magnesia.
- 186 - Bacchanalia suppressed.
- 183 - Death of Africanus, Hannibal, and Philopoemen.
- 171-168 - Third Macedonian War.
- 168 - Battle of Pydna.
- 150 - War with Masinissa. The war in Lusitania.
- 149-146 - Third Punic War.
- 149 - Death of Cato the Elder.
- 148-133 - Numantine War.
- 147-46 - Achaean War.
- 146 - Destruction of Carthage and Corinth.
- 143-133 - The Numantine War.
- 137 - Tiberius Gracchus is Quaestor in Spain.
- 134-132 - The Servile War.
- 133 - Tiberius Gracchus murdered.
- 129 - Death of Scipio Africanus the younger.
- 126 - Expulsion of allies from Rome.
- 125 - Revolt of Fregellae
- 123, 122 - Gaius Gracchus elected tribune. Extension of the Agrarian law. Soldiers equipped at public expense.
- 121 - Death of Gaius Gracchus.
- 120 - Accession of Mithradates King of Pontus.
- 118-104 - The Jugurthine War - Metellus. Marius. Sulla.
- 108 - Marius elected consul.
- 105 - Battle of Arausio.
- 104 - Marius 2nd Consulship. Re-elected every year from 104 - 100 B.C.
- 102 - Battle of Aquae Sextiae (vs. Teutones).
- 101 - Battle of Vercellae (vs. Cimbri).
- 100 - Birth of Julius Caesar. Caesar Timeline.
1st Century - 99-44 B.C.
- 90-89 - The Italian or Social War.
- 88 - Mithradates' massacre of Italians.
- 87 - Proscriptions under Marius. Sulla goes to Greece.
- 86 - 7th consulship and death of Marius.
- 86-84 - Sulla's campaign against Mithradates. (86) Sulla's victory over Mithradates at a Battle of Chaeronea. (85) Sulla's victory at the Battle of Orchomenus.
- 84 - Death of Cinna.
- 83 - Sulla returns to Italy. Second Mithridatic War.
- 82 - Proscriptions under Sulla.
- 81 - Sulla dictator.
- 80 - Reforms of Sulla.
- 79 - Sulla resigns as the dictator. War with Sertorius.
- 78 - Death of Sulla.
- 74 - 3rd Mithridatic War.
- 73-71 - Spartacus.
- 72 - Sertorius in Spain dies.
- 72-67 - Campaign of Lucullus against Mithradates.
- 71 - End of war in Spain.
- 69 - Battle of Tigranocerta.
- 67 - Pompey conquers the pirates.
- 67-61 - Pompey in the East.
- 64 - Pompey makes Syria a Roman province and takes Jerusalem.
- 63 - Death of Mithradates. Cicero Consul. Catiline. Pompey returns to Italy.
- 59 - First Triumvirate formed - Caesar's first Consulship.
- 59 - The Leges Juliae. Clodius - Cicero's banishment. Cato sent to Cyprus.
- 58-49 - Caesar in Gaul.
- 57 - Recall of Cicero - Return of Cato.
- 53 - Death of Crassus.
- 52 - Murder of Clodius. The trial of Milo for the murder of Clodius (Cicero unsuccessfully defends Milo).
- 49 - Caesar crosses the Rubicon causing a civil war.
- 49 - Siege and capture of Ilerda.
- 48 (Jan. 4) - Caesar sails from Brundisium.
- 48 - Victory of Pompey near the seaboard.
- 48 - (Aug. 9) Pharsalia(Sept. 28) Murder of Pompey.Caesar establishes Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt.
- 47 - Battle of Zela.
- 47 (Sept.) - Caesar returns to Rome.
- 46 (Apr. 4) - Thapsus - Death of Cato the younger.
- 45 (Mar. 17) - Munda.
- 44 (Mar. 15= The Ides of March). Murder of Caesar. 44 B.C - was also the year: There was an eruption of Mt - Aetna described by Livy[Reference: "In the Wake of Etna, 44 B.C.," by P - Y - Forsyth. Classical Antiquity, Vol - 7, No - 1 (Apr., 1988), pp - 49-57.]