There are many types of immortal beings in Greek mythology. Some are depicted as humanoid, some as part animal, and some personifications are not readily visualized. The gods and goddesses of Mt. Olympus can walk among mortals undetected. They each tend to have a special area they control. Thus, you have the god of thunder or grain or the hearth.
Individual Gods and Goddesses From Mt. Olympus
The Titans are among the more confusing of the immortals of Greek mythology. Some of them are stuck in the Underworld suffering for their misdeeds against the Olympian gods.
Special Female Deities: Muses and Nymphs
The Muses were considered responsible for the arts, sciences, and poetry and were the children of Zeus and Mnemosyne, born in Pieria. Nymphs appear as beautiful young women. There are several types and some individual nymphs who are famous in their own right. Naiads are one variety of nymphs.
Roman Gods and Goddesses
When talking about Greek mythology, the Romans are usually included. Although their origins may have been different, the main Olympian gods are the same (with a name change) for the Romans.
Even before the Romans started expanding their empire around the time of the Punic Wars, they came in contact with other native peoples in the Italic peninsula. These had their own beliefs, many of which influenced the Romans. The Etruscans were particularly important.
Other Creatures
Greek mythology has animal and part animal creatures. Many of these have supernatural powers. Some, like the Centaur Chiron, are capable of giving up the gift of immortality. Others can be killed with great difficulty and only by the greatest of the heroes. Snake-haired Medusa, for instance, killed by Perseus aided by Athena, Hades, and Hermes is one of the three Gorgon sisters and is the only one who can be killed. Perhaps they don't belong in a grouping of immortals, but they aren't quite mortal, either.
There were many beliefs in the ancient world. When the Romans started expanding, they sometimes joined together native deities with ones that sounded similar from back home. In addition to the religions with many gods, there were others like Judaism, Christianity, and Mithraism that were basically monotheistic or dualistic.