Ancient Rome
Discover Ancient Rome from the legendary period dominated by kings through the Republic and Empire with biographies, timelines, and maps.
Who Were the Early Kings of Rome?
The Fall of Rome: How, When, and Why Did It Happen?
Homosexuality in Ancient Rome
Biography of Tiberius, 1st Century Roman Emperor
The Roman Festival of Lupercalia
Did Roman Soldiers Eat Meat?
Antiquity's Best Generals and Commanders
The Rudis: The Symbol of a Roman Gladiator's Freedom
Patrons and Clients in Roman Society
Latin-Based Words for Colors and Other Things
A Short Timeline of the Fall of the Roman Empire
Meaning Behind the Phrase to Cross the Rubicon
Ancient Roman Priests
Who Was the Ancient Roman God Janus?
The Ides of March
The Top 5 Worst Roman Emperors
How Did Crassus Die?
The 7 Famous Hills of Rome
What Was Life Like in an Ancient Roman Apartment?
The First Triumvirate and Julius Caesar
The 6 Types of Togas Worn in Ancient Rome
Primary Sources of Roman History
What Are the Romance Languages?
A Day in Pompeii
Was Julius Caesar the Biological Father of His Frenemy Brutus?
Biography of Numa Pompilius, Roman King
Winners and Losers of Julius Caesar's Gallic War Battles
Roman Exposure of Infants
Roman Baths and Hygiene in Ancient Rome
Economic Reasons for the Fall of Rome
The 8 Biggest Military Defeats Suffered by Ancient Rome
Who Said 'If You Want Peace, Prepare for War'?
Biography of Pompey the Great, Roman Statesman
How Were Julius Caesar and His Successor Augustus Related?
Biography of Spartacus, an Enslaved Man Who Led a Revolt
Roman Imperial Dates
The Tiber River of Rome
The Great Poet Ovid
The Byzantine Roman Emperor Justinian
Ancient Roman Family
Male Sexuality in Ancient Rome
Lucius Cornelius Sulla "Felix" (138-78 B.C.E)
The Revolt of the Gauls From Caesar's Gallic Wars
Why Was Julius Caesar So Important?
Matrimonium: Types of Roman Marriage
Early Rome and the Issue of the 'King'
Culture in the Ancient Roman Republic
What Kinds of Weapons and Armor Did Gladiators Use?
Alaric, King of the Visigoths and the Sack of Rome in A.D. 410
Who Were the Gracchi Brothers of Ancient Rome?
The Great Roman Emperor Theodosius I
Periods of History in Ancient Rome
The Ancient Roman Forum
Power Structures in Early Rome
Meaning of Requiescat in Pace
Elagabalus Emperor of Rome
Who Were Roman Lares, Larvae, Lemures, and Manes?
Was Constantine the Great a Christian?
Valens and the Battle of Adrianople (Hadrianopolis)
Latin Names and Terms for Family Members
Who Was Constantine the Great?