Ancient Greece
The Greeks invented democracy, started the Olympics, built the foundations of Western arts and culture, and loved a good party. Read about Greek history and politics from the Archaic period through the Hellenistic period.
Why Were the Ancient Greeks Called Hellenes?
30 Maps of Ancient Greece Show How It Became an Empire
Alexander the Great Study Guide
Greek Goddess Demeter and the Abduction of Persephone
What Was the Charge Against Socrates?
Sayings of Leonidas
King Leonidas of Sparta and the Battle at Thermopylae
The Major Events in the Trojan War
Biography of Aristotle, Influential Greek Philosopher and Scientist
Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greek Scientists
Political Aspects of the Classical Age of Greece
Profile of Socrates
Corinth Legends and History
Why Did Alexander Burn Persepolis?
Overview of the Archaic Age of Ancient Greek History
Ancient Greek Pottery Types
Formation of the Delian League
Persian Battle at Thermopylae in 300 Movie
Was Alexander the Great a Greek?
Panhellenic Games in Ancient Greece
Lycurgus Lawgiver of Sparta
Aristotle on Democracy and Government
Parode and Related Terms in Ancient Greek Tragedy and Comedy
Greek Women in the Archaic Age
Solon's Constitution and the Rise of Democracy
Greek Eros and Philia Love Magic
The Peloponnesian War: Causes of the Conflict
7 Points to Know About Ancient Greek Government
Points About Ancient Greek History
Who Were the Ancient Kings of Sparta?
Democracy Then and Now
Geography of Ancient Greece
The Age of Pericles and Periclean Athens
Types of Eunuchs in the Roman Empire
Who Was Sophocles
Types of Ancient Greek Medicine
Who Was Briseis in The Iliad?
How Athenian Democracy Developed in 7 Stages
The Thirty Tyrants After the Peloponnesian War
Who Were the Etruscans?
Answers to FAQs About the Trojan War
Socratic Irony
King Porus of Paurava
The Greek Festival of Thesmophoria
Did Hector Kill Ajax in the Trojan War?
Greek Tragedy and the House of Atreus
Eteocles and Polynices: Cursed Brothers and Sons of Oedipus
The Great Ionian Colony of Miletus
Solon's Reforms and the Rise of Democracy in Athens
Cheating During the Ancient Olympics
![Image ID: 1623849 [Kylix depicting Hercules wrestling with Triton.] (1894)](
Heracles Fights Triton
Goats in Greek Tragedy
The Battle at Issus
Cleisthenes and the 10 Tribes of Athens
Seleucus, the Successor of Alexander
The Start of the Persian Wars
Red-Figure Pottery in Greek Art
Argos, Greece
The Ancient Greek Underworld and Hades
Hellenistic Greece
The History of the Olympics